Cube My Life

My goal: create 80 cubic papercraft characters that depict my world.

A little info...

Welcome to Cube My Life: a personal hobby blog. Here you can find all of my papercraft projects as well as printable pages to create your own fun little cubes. Make sure you check the 'Important Links' section on the right for help with your own ideas.

Important Links...

What is this place??? -> HERE
How To Make This Stuff -> HERE
Default Cube -> HERE
Stand Parts -> HERE
Stacking Cubes -> HERE


It's all done.
Cube My Life is a finished product and just in time with college looming on the horizon.

It took 2 years to get this little tower of paper made. TWO LOOONG YEARS. Then again, I wasn't paying half the amount of attention I should have to this project. When I did find the time to make cubes, I had great fun. The making of the cubes itself wasn't very exciting but it got my mind off of crazy stuff going on in my life and also sort of gave me a goal to work at when I should have been bored lying around at home.

I want to thank the two or three friends that checked this site out like once a year... or just once. Ultimately, this turned out to be more of an at-home project that I felt obligated to share with the internet. It's done. I'm happy. So woo!

Hope everyone is having a great summer,

This is Kata124.



  1. Jeremy said...

    There are 80 cubes in that? Wow, that must have taken a long time. What inspired it?

  2. Kata124 said...

    Initially, I wanted to just have something crafty to do when I was watching TV or listening to music. I was going to make a jar of lucky paper stars but the paper stars weren't any fun to make and the whole project just felt unoriginal so I scratched the whole thing and thought up a project that was much more personal. I'm glad because this turned out very satisfying.

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